Jan 17, 2010

happy neighborhood at south DF

The other day, my Nosy and i found very nice neighborhood at south part of the city.

The houses around there are small but each one are painted so colorful and most of them have small gardens with trees and flowers uniquely accommodated and look very cozy.

Every division looks similar size of space and every houses seems to have basically similar design on ground level, but the interesting thing is that people live there arrange their houses such a unique way, constructing other part of house and painting as they want.

i heart MEX

i heart MEX

i heart MEX

i heart MEX

And the other thing which i like very much about this area is that there are lot of street which don't have access for vehicles. I think that why i felt lot of peace and happy energy there.

i heart MEX

i heart MEX

We saw kids coming out from a school around there. Parents looked very happy and less stressed than other part of the city. They don't have to worry about their kids running across the street and hit by car or something.

i heart MEX

i heart MEX

It was very nice day, after such a lot rain a day before, with shinny blue sky and clear air, and this new discovery in the city made us again very happy!!

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