Jan 7, 2010

Fantastic Mr. Fox

My Nosy and i always make our "must list" of what to do and where to visit when we travel, inspired from our favorit music, movies, tv programs, urban rumor, many blogs etc.

On the top of the list we made when we went to NY on last December, we put "go to see Fantastic Mr. Fox". This was one of the most important purpose of our trip this time.

Fantastic Mr. Fox: Based on Roald Dahl's book, directed by our most favorite film director in the world, Wes Anderson, director of Royal Tenenbaums, Life Aquatic with Stieve Zissou, Rushmore, and Bottle Rocket.

I'm not going to talk about the story here cause i am not a critic and i believe that it's better to see it yourself. I can only talk about our experience with this movie...

Though we couldn't make it, the original plan was to be present at the day of theatrical release in US with lots of Wes movies fans, surely had dressed up and act like each personality of Wes's movies.
Instead, we decided to go to a matinee to enjoy our most expected movie with less people in the theater.

I don't know how to express the impression of the movie...

Everything was just too "us".

We both felt an indescribable pleasure welling up inside us during the movie, and when without say anything we both knew that we haven't got this magnific sensation for a long time which a movie can give you. And it was just nice back to feel it.

Just a day before we were going to see the movie, when we were walking down the 5th Ave, accidentally we had some nice encounter with these guys from the movie.

Here are some photos of those guys.

NY night

NY night

They live in some show windows of an apparel shop at 5th Av, escaping from the movie...

5th Avenue

also those bad guys...

NY night

and do their party!!!

5th Avenue

5th Avenue

their food looks yum yum....

5th Avenue

5th Avenue

wait, the rabbit chef looks like someone... let's see closer...

NY night

a chef with these orange croocs... mmm

it's Mario rabitt Batali!!!!!!!!!!!

NY night

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