Aug 15, 2009

sliding on the river

Last sunday, i went to river down on canoe with my dad. We have our own canoe at a camp ground neighboring River Nakagawa, in Gozenyama village, Ibaraki prefecture, about 2 hours north from Tokyo metropolitan area, by car.

This is me and one of our boat that i always use.

I should have took this opportunity to presume my brand new bright green helmet that i just bought in San Francisco for skateboarding, but i just forgot bring that... mmm

This is my dad.

Some staffs of the camp ground always give us a ride to our start point, loading a ban with kayaks and us.

This day they took us to the 25kms pint.

These are our snacks on the way going down the flow!!!

This small local appears almost the last part of our 25kms voyage and we always look forward to stop here to enjoy this delicious treat from river.

These river-fish called "ayu" ( i think in english "sweetfish"), this is before they convert in our snacks...

This is how local people fish "ayu".
"ayu" fishing is only allowed at summer season so we saw many of these wooden boat with local fishermans.
These fish can only live in very clean water, so it makes me feel little bit relieved to see these people fishing because it says that "ayu" can still stay in this river...

It was cloudy day with little shower sometimes but it was perfect condition on this hot summer season.

As living in a metropolitan concrete jungle, it's a wonderful break time to breathe deep in green mountains and trees everywhere, discovering birds coming and going, splashing along flows of the river, tasting fresh air of nature.

Aug 7, 2009

mmm i really need this sh*t!!!!!

I think I really need this great "post-it" in my life just to make it more fun. My office secretary-kind job, which i only have few days a week, will be much more enjoyable...

Aug 4, 2009

yo si bailo thriller en el zocalo!!! ( yes, i gonna dance thriller en Zocalo!!!)

Eng: i just receive this amazing and so exciting news that in the center of Mexico City, Zocalo, there will be millions of people dancing "thriller" of Michael Jackson, on 29th august 2009 (MJ's birthday)!!!! What a exciting event gonna be!!!!

The event is organized by a group of facebook called "yo si bailo thriller en el zocalo" ( yes, i gonna dance thriller at zocalo), and they are inviting EVERYBODY who wants to dance with them that day. No matter the age or ocupation or gender or whatever whatever, but they just want to get together all MJ fans and enjoy making it happen, probably the most huge "thriller" ever.

This group, "yo si bailo thriller en el zocalo", organizing rehearsal of its choreography every sunday at several parks and plazas in the city. And of course as good mexicans it seems that there already are many people, from kids to dads and moms and grandpa grandma, practicing "thriller" after "Michael Jackson" teaching.

That's why i love Mexico City.

People there are always ready to enjoy willingly this kind of events, and its enegy of solidarity is amazing, which i think people in my own country have been lost it or maybe we don't even have such kind of power.

Anyway i love to feel it in mexico, i love that!!!

As a similar event, an american photographer Spencer Tunick, famos as his installation and photography in which masses of nude people posed, realize the most huge mass nude photo session in his career at the same place there in Mexico City, Zocalo on May 6th 2007. Approximately 18,000 people got together there at 5 am that day, to participate this huge artistic event!!!

Isn't that amazing??

Sadly i couldn't be present for this photo session, however i could feel the excitiment and emotion of people from videos and reports. I put some of them below.
I like the comment which Spencer left just after this session. ( you can see it in the final part of second video )

It makes me happy to know that there are people like him with lots of sensitivity fighting toward some sad face of our society with prejustice, rumors, conservativeness, hostility etc etc, just through some simple act of art.

I hope this "thriller" event will be as huge as of the spencer tunick, and i hope to be there present dancing with milions of people my favorit dance of Michael Jackson!!!

Aug 1, 2009

saturday, it's already august

Eng: Today i had to go out with my sister to drop my dad to Haneda airport in the morning. He has two days trip with his colleagues to Hakodate, Hookaido, northern part of japan.

Esp: El dia de hoy tuve que ir con mi hermana al aeropuerto de Haneda para dejar mi papa por ahi esta maniana. Mi papa tiene un viaje de dos dias hacia Hakodate, una ciudad en la isla nortenia de japon, con sus companieros de trabajo.

Eng: I have considered my dad as a very social person, until today. But we discovered this morning that he is also one of the "grinchy"(antisocial) family as my sister, my mom, and me, and most of the member of my mexican family.

Esp: Yo, hasta el dia de hoy pensaba que mi papa era una presona muy sociable. Sin embargo hemos descubierto esta maniana que tambien el era uno de la familia "grinchy"(antisocial) como mi hermana, mi mama, yo, y com casi todos los de mi familia mexicana.

Eng:The fact was discovered soon after we left home, there was a bus it's destination to Haneda apparently coming from the nearest station around. Then my dad said "that bus, all my colleagues are on that bus! and i can go confortably on my own car with my own driver!!"

Esp: "la verdad" fue descubierto poco despues de que salimos de la casa, encontramos un autobus destinado a Haneda, cual aparentemente venia de la estacion cercana por aqui. En eso mi papa dice, "en aquel autobus!! todos mis colegas estan ahi!! y yo puedo ir confortablemente en mi propio coche junto con mi propio chofer!!"

Eng:He said he didn't want to go with them 'cause he was sure that he's gonna bored, in the end it is a obligation kind trip of his job.

Esp:el dice que no queria ir con sus colegas en autobus porque estaba seguro de que llegaba a aburrir, de todos modos era un viaje casi obligado por su trabajo.

Eng:So we now are all "grinchy family". What a thing!!!

Esp:asi que ahora somos todos "familia grinchy". que cosa verdad??

Eng:And after that, we went to pick up my latest art work for a gallery near yokohama.
You can see on those two pictures below.
I took these pictures after i came home.

Esp:y al regresar de aeropuerto, fuimos a buscar mi ultimo pieza de arte a una galeria por ahi de Yokohama.
pueden ver en estas fotos abajo, las tome despues de llegar a mi casita.

Eng:All these process i could finish until mid day, so i baked this apple tart in the afternoon.

Esp:todo este proceso pude terminar hasta medio dia, asi es que aproveche hacer una tarta de manzana en la tardecita.

Eng: it was not bad start of august.

Esp: no era nada mal como un comienzo de agosto.